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Stationary cycling

Although it may seem highly boring or monotonous but it has it’s own advantages ahead of open air cycling. In incorporated properly indoor stationary cycling can be the key component of not staying fit and fine but also a broad based cycling program. Especially during the winter months it is very much beneficial. Cycling whether indoor or outdoor i...

Neck exercises

The neck is a very delicate part of the body. It joins the rest of the body with the head. Like all the other body parts the neck if not exercised properly can lead to numerous problems. Some of the most common neck problems like neck pain and stiffness. Most of the times neck pain may fell like a kink that may spread to the shoulders, upper back, ...

Do weight exercise

If someone wants to lose fat or change the body, one of the most important things to do is lift weight. Diet and cardio are equally important but when it comes to changing how the body looks, weight training wins hands down. If someone is hesitated to start strength training program due to busy schedule and not missing the television show. Now it m...


Dance is a method of communication using facial expression and movement of body. dancing is a method with which one can express ideas, emotions and views. Dancing is entertaining for the person who watches it and for one who performs it. dance is a kind of exercise and great way to remain healthy and fit. Dancing is much more entertaining than exer...

Back exercises

While watching television the viewer is in a very relaxed mood and is absolutely entertained by the scenes. He can improve the utility of the time spent in watching television by performing some back exercises. By this method, he can achieve dual gains of entertainment and body fitness simultaneously.

Low Back exercises

The low back e...

Golf Fitness: Pregame Stretches

Face it…You may be the greatest golfer of all of your friends. You may be able to make shots that seem almost impossible, or be able to putt balls into just about any hole. But one day recently, when you leaned over to pick up a golf ball, your back cracked and pulled out.  What are you supposed to do for your golf game now?

Yoga for infertility

In case of infertility woman is not capable to naturally conceive the child or a full term pregnancy. Female infertility constitute one third of the infertility cases. Modern times have lot of infertility problems. In many cases woman is able to conceive but is not capable to carry pregnancy. Male infertility also constitute one third of total infe...

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