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What Should Be Included In A Restaurant Cleaning Checklist?

What Should Be Included In A Restaurant Cleaning Checklist?

The DOs and DON'Ts of choosing window treatments

The DOs and DON'Ts of choosing window treatments

Lager Beer - Essential Facts And Serving Tips

Lager Beer - Essential Facts And Serving Tips

Why do fancy restaurants serve such tiny portions?

Have you ever noticed that the fancy restaurants serve you up with really small portions? Why is that?

Tipping your servers at a restaurant: the Dos and Don'ts

They attend to our needs and create a pleasing atmosphere for us to dine in.

Fun facts about beer that you probably didn't know

These days getting your favourite craft beer delivered right to your doorstep is a breeze with so many ecommerce stores selling a variety of brands.

Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

How safe is riding in a three wheeler?

You've most likely seen three-wheelers, sometimes known as 'tuks’ in Sri Lanka, navigating the streets of your town or city.

Motorcycle safety tips to keep you safe while riding

Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling and daring experience.

Important tips for your first motorcycle road trip

A motorcycle road trip is a thrilling adventure.

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