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Removing weeds

There are several things one can do to get rid of weeds and give lawn a facelift. If the lawn contains less than 50% weeds, as a substitute consider trying to create better conditions for grass to grow. Improving the lawn in the fall and spring will work with the natural growth cycle of grass and take advantage of seasonal rains. Weeds have been pl...

Raking the seed areas

The process of raking is also called as detaching. A thatch is the icky brown stuff that builds up from the dead crowns and the stems of the grass plants. The upper portion of the grass always remains greener but with a careful look at the base of the plants one can get to know about the fact and see that the this part is brown and dry looking. Gen...

Quality fertilizers

Every body knows that fertilization enhances the quality of cool-season grasses. The advantages of fertilization include better density and root growth, less spring mowing, better fall-to-spring colour, less weed problems, better drought tolerance and less summer disease activity. The amount of fertilizer to apply and the timing of it can affect bo...

Proper use of fertilizers

Using lawn fertilizer is essential if someone wants to create the kind of a healthy, green lawn that is the envy for the neighborhood. In order to develop turf that is more competitive against disease, insects and weeds, just incorporate a balance of especially formulated nutrients and slow-release lawn fertilizers into the lawn maintenance program...

Proper storage

A healthy and thriving lawn provides many benefits like it helps to keep air temperatures cooler in the summertime like other plants, grass draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and gives off oxygen and turf is an ideal outdoor carpet for amusement activity. The chemicals even when used correctly can wash the lakes, rivers and groundwater and ca...

Prevent Crabgrass

In home lawns, crabgrass is a primary problem. It is tenacious weed. It can be classified into large crabgrass, smooth crabgrass and southern crabgrass. Crab grass is a warm-season, yearly grass. It doesn’t matter how much crabgrass plants appeared the previous year as they all perish. New grass reappears only from developing seeds. Crabgrass start...

Pre emergence of annual weed control

Weeding is an inherent process that is related with lawn maintenance and growing. From the concern of lawns a weed is any plant that does not blend well with the grass. Its appearance is somewhat like a sore thumb in a green carpet of lawns. Specifically a newly grown lawn can have many weeds unless the process of soil sterilization was not done pr...

Lawn renovation

Lawn renovation describes corrective procedures to restore beauty to an old lawn without removing all of the grass. It can be as simple as over seeding a thin turf area or can include power raking and core ventilation if thatch is greater than 1/2 inch or the soil is compacted. A total renovation would occupy killing the undesirable grasses with a ...

Have post planting irrigation

New seeding is in need of intensive irrigation for getting established properly. Light and frequent watering is desirable so that the seed and surface are perpetually moist. They must be kept moist for 30 days after plantation. In summer, watering must be done 4 times in a day. During germination if soil dries out seedling may perish. Wherever sodd...

Good weed control pesticides

Lawn weeds may be divided into two classes based on the way they emerge from the seed. Most monocot weeds found in turf grass are from the family germinate and are termed as weedy grasses. It includes crabgrass, annual bluegrass, tall fescue and quack grass. Dicots are termed broadleaf weeds and include those plants as dandelion, clover, ground ivy...

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