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How to prevent Male Infertility

Infertility in men is caused due to problems in producing sperm like producing too few sperm or none at all or even due to sluggish sperm movement. The causes of infertility start at birth or even during the later years of his life. The quality as well as the quantity of the sperm can be affected by a man’s health and way of living. The factors tha...

How to avoid infertility

The couple who are trying for a child should essentially eat healthy food. The diet and fertility are directly linked to each other. The diet of man is major responsible for the quality of sperm his body will produce. A healthy diet routine will increases the chances of conceiving. Following a bad routine of unhealthy diet and intake of alcohol wil...

Herbs to Enhance Fertility

Due to irregular lifestyle, high stress levels and neglect of physical health, several physical problems have arisen, which affect the well being of the individual greatly. One of the major physical disorders that are affecting an increasing number of people is infertility. Lack of fertility has been affecting men and women equally and is also lead...

Healthy habits to enhance fertility

Fertility can be enhanced among men and women by following healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food. The diet and fertility are positively linked to each other. The quality of diet that men intake is responsible for the sperm quality. Following a healthy diet routine will help the women to conceive soon. Both men and women should avoid the intake ...

Fertility drugs

Fertility drugs function by promoting ovulation by rousing hormones in a woman’s brain to get an egg ready and release it from the ovaries every month. Many fertility drugs are used safely for more than 30 drugs. They do not raise the possibility of multiple births more than 5 to 15 percent. Bromocriptine can be taken orally or as a vaginal pill. I...

Exercise to enhance fertility

It has been distinguished that women who are very thin and women who are obese have a hard time conceiving. Studies have found that 12 percent of infertility cases are due to being underweight or overweight. This is perhaps because body fat plays a role in reproduction. The sex hormones are dissolving in fat but not in water. Therefore, they are st...

Calisthenics for better confidence

Calisthenics is a type of exercise consisting of a mixture of simple movements generally performed without weights or other tools that are planned to increase body strength and elasticity using the weight of one's own body for resistance. One can do bodyweight exercises and calisthenics anywhere and anytime. They do not require expensive equipment ...

Aromatherapy for fertility

If some one is trying to conceive naturally and find that it is not happening one may be feeling a little anxious. Aromatherapy helps to lower the anxiety symptoms and increase the fertility. Aromatherapy is growing more popular and for a good reason. It is simple and non-invasive. The essential oils, which are used are distilled and purified from ...

Anxiety and infertility

About 35 percent of all cases of infertility arise from problems in the man's system and 35 percent arise from abnormalities in the woman's system. About 20 percent of the time, the man and woman both have fertility problems and rest 10 percent of cases, no cause can be found. Age often increases the risk of infertility. Anxiety in a woman, th...

Causes of male infertility

Infertility is not always the problem for woman even man contribute one third among the total infertility cases. The attribution of male infertility is not due to genital viruses like oral herbs and genital herbs. The tests through which male infertility can be known are semen analysis and post coital test. Mainly the male infertility is caused due...

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