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Graduate Degree Options

Many people find that in the courses of their careers they wish they had the ability to go back to school for even further education. Unfortunately, not everyone has the good fortune to live in the vicinity of a university that offers graduate level studies in the career they have chosen. Chances are that a good percentage of the population does no...

eBay Sellers: How to Deal with Difficult Customers

If you are an eBay seller, you will have to do business with eBay buyers. As traditional retailers do, you may also have a problem with some customers. While the majority of eBay buyers are more than pleasant to deal with, there are some who can “ruffle your feathers.” While your first thought may be to give a difficult eBay buyer a piece of your m...

Common Items Found for Sale on eBay

Are you interested in doing your online shopping through eBay? If you are, you are one of millions of Americans who are. What is nice about eBay is that you can find just about anything on there, within reason of course. If you are interested in shopping eBay, but you never have before, you may be wondering what type of items can be found on eBay. ...

Benefits of Buying on eBay

Are you one of the millions of Americans who prefers to shop online? Shopping online is popular because it is quick, easy, and convenient. It is also popular because, when shopping online, you have a number of different options, as there are a number of different retailers that you can choose to shop online with. One of those is eBay. If you aren’t...

Catch and Release Fishing

Fishing is a sport, but it has become less about survival and more about fun in recent decades. There is an issue of fish becoming depleted and many anglers are now employing the practice of catch and release fishing. Catch and release fishing is a great theory, but many people are doing it incorrectly and as a result many fish are dying. A few ste...

Heritage Fishing: Fishing in the Past for the Future

Heritage fisheries are carefully maintained aquatic preserves in various parts of the world where a tradition or habitat surrounding fishing has been protected from today’s modern hazards. A heritage fishery may be a lake, river or part of the ocean; its locale having less to do with its heritage designation than preservation of a certain style or ...

"Noodling": Cooking Pasta or Catching Catfish?

"Noodling" conjures up images of standing over a vat of boiling water, cooking some kind of Italian pasta to perfection. This may be one definition of the term, but in reference to one of the oddest fishing styles known, it refers to the art of fishing for catfish using only bare hands and a big stick for prodding purposes. That is correct; using o...

Blue Marlin Fishing

Marlins are characterized as big game saltwater fish. The average weight of a blue marlin is anywhere from one hundred to five hundred pounds. Their bodies can reach the length of ten feet and they are mainly found in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. The blue marlin is known for its ability to fight, so you must be willing to match the mar...

Night Fishing

Night fishing is a little harder than fishing when the sun is bright. However, it is common throughout the reservoirs of the south and southeast when the summer months are too uncomfortable to fish for an entire day. The water will usually be so warm that the fish will go deeper and deeper from the surface to find more oxygen, making them harder to...

Serving Wine at Holiday Parties

Hosting a party can bring about a great deal of stress. You may find this true for any kind of party, but it seems to be particularly true for a party

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