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Removing weeds

There are several things one can do to get rid of weeds and give lawn a facelift. If the lawn contains less than 50% weeds, as a substitute consider trying to create better conditions for grass to grow. Improving the lawn in the fall and spring will work with the natural growth cycle of grass and take advantage of seasonal rains. Weeds have been pl...

Oiling of equipments

Proper winter storage and maintenance means great summer performance of lawn equipments. As the cold weather blows in, encourage proper care of outdoor power equipment during all seasons. Proper maintenance now results in less downtime in the spring and when the equipment is most needed.  Furthermore, not only will proper maintenance extend th...

Leaf Sweeper

A Rolling Leaf Sweeper gathers leaves on a lawn. It is manufactured of high strength steel covered with a rust resistant coating. The collection bag has a volume of 7 cubic feet. Some models of Leaf Sweeper and Garden Vacuum have a U shaped zip to empty its contents. A Deluxe Leaf Sweeper gathers leaves and lawn clippings. It has a 26” swath and an...

Lawn renovation

Lawn renovation describes corrective procedures to restore beauty to an old lawn without removing all of the grass. It can be as simple as over seeding a thin turf area or can include power raking and core ventilation if thatch is greater than 1/2 inch or the soil is compacted. A total renovation would occupy killing the undesirable grasses with a ...

Lawn clipping management

Lawn clippings are mainly grass leaves along with some stems that are cut by the lawn mower. Earlier clippings were bagged using rotary mowers. It was thought that they might aid thatch development. But this assumption is now disproved.

The Present

In summer period, 20-30% of residential wastes are made up of grass clippings. These en...

Having ant control prevention

Soil nesting ants can create enough annoyance that it may be desirable to reduce their numbers in the yard or around the house. The first troubling situation that may justify treatment is when ants are nesting close to the house and are searching for food indoors. Any turf grass spray should work and stop the ants to invade. Secondly ant mounds can...

Get rid of centipedes

A centipede is a yellowish gray insect with several pairs of legs. It moves with speed and eats other insects like spiders and cockroaches. Although their poison is harmless for humans they look eerie and bite like a bee. They can be commonly detected in mulch, rocks and wood in the lawn. Further they spread into steps, flowerbeds and pavements.

Detaching the grass blades

A thatch is a natural component of an actively grown turf grass. Thatches comprises of tightly intermingled layers of dead and living stems, leaves and roots that accumulates in between the growing grasses and the soil underneath. Until the thickness of the thatches does not exceed the normal levels, which is ¼ to ½ inches it has the potential to c...


A collection of blades of grass cut many times, bits of leaves and branches, roots and rhizomes that are decaying on the lawn are called a Thatch. This cut grass is left on the lawn as it provides nutrients to the soil, reduces water evaporation and shields from ice damage. But if the decomposition is very slow the thatch becomes a large layer. Thi...

Choosing a spreader

A mechanical spreader is prevalent. It is of 2 types – Drop and Rotary spreader. For both a hopper is filled with nutrients and the spreader is pushed on the lawn. The drop one has an aperture at the base of the hopper. The trigger is pulled to open the cover and the material moves through the aperture into the lawn. The area of lawn fertilized dur...

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