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Melodious Times

The clock that brings to you the news of the completion of each hour in the form of a musical tune is known as a musical clock. These clocks used to stand tall, and had their own place in the house in the bygone era and are now often known as the ‘Grandfather’s Clock’.
In the present tense, there are electronic clocks that...

The Only Way To Get Rich In The Music Industry

Unless you have spent the majority of your life living under a rock then you should be familiar with the saying, “If you want anything done right – you need to do it yourself!”

This may very well be one of the most valid sets of words ever spoken. Those words apply to the music industry like a hand in a glove.


London�s West End Musicals

London’s theatre scene is glitzy, glamorous and fun, and there are always hundreds of performances going on at once. Some of the most popular shows are the big West End musicals, many of which have been running for years and still sell out weeks in advance. Here’s a brief guide to some of the all-time favourites.

Blood ...

If You Download Pop Music The Right Way You Can Get Exactly What You Want

I want to download pop music! Where can I find the newest, coolest, most happening pop music? 'Pop music' means, basically, whatever music is most popular right now, especially among teens and young adults. What makes it popular is that young people spend their money on it and listen to it. It makes everybody happy.


I Love Italian Wine and Food - Tasting a Noble Sicilian Wine

Once again, we are breaking into the series tasting wines from each of Italy’s twenty wine regions. This article examines a noble red wine from the island of Sicily in southern Italy. It is very far from a bargain wine. We were about a dozen to taste it. I’ll be presenting my opinions and those of others.

So far, the wi...

In-Vehicle Cell Phone Use - Assessing Accident Risk

Mobile phone use in motor vehicles has increased at a remarkable rate over the past 15 years. Yet it is undeniable that utilizing a cell phone while driving can affect driver performance as it relates to the overall safe operation of a vehicle. There are a number of things to consider in deciding whether the trade off in conven...

10 Tips for Dropping a Dress Size

1 Put Protein First
Ever notice how eating protein-packed foods, like meats, fish and dairy makes you feel full? You're not imagining it. Studies show that protein triggers the production of the enzyme glucagon, which causes the feeling of fullness, according to Jay Cooper, a fitness expert in St. George, UT, and author of Th...

The Wedding Reception

Choosing the Site
If your ceremony and reception will not be at the same location, try to choose places that are no more than a half-hour drive apart. If you are getting married in a church or synagogue, for example, you might take a look at the facilities there; some have a stately room on the ground that could meet your nee...

Wedding Music

Ceremony Music
Choosing the music for your wedding can seem like a daunting task. To make the prospect less overwhelming, think in terms of audio "snapshots": what kind of music would you like when your guests arrive for the ceremony? What song will best capture your emotions as you walk down the aisle toward you future spous...

Your Hidden Food Allergy or Allergies are Making You Fat

Was there an instance when you ate something like an ice cream, cake, cheese, or a piece of fruit – and you felt even hungrier? Have you experienced any food urges wherein you can't satisfy such cravings except eating the same food?

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