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Have post planting irrigation

New seeding is in need of intensive irrigation for getting established properly. Light and frequent watering is desirable so that the seed and surface are perpetually moist. They must be kept moist for 30 days after plantation. In summer, watering must be done 4 times in a day. During germination if soil dries out seedling may perish. Wherever sodd...

Disposal of wastes

Leaves, grass, twigs, roots and other wastes from lawns sum up to approximately 18% of the annual municipal waste. For summer, grass makes up 50% of the municipal waste, while in fall leaves causes 60-80% of the total waste. This gigantic amount of wastes strains the municipal collection systems as it raises the expenses required for the extra equi...

Choosing a spreader

A mechanical spreader is prevalent. It is of 2 types – Drop and Rotary spreader. For both a hopper is filled with nutrients and the spreader is pushed on the lawn. The drop one has an aperture at the base of the hopper. The trigger is pulled to open the cover and the material moves through the aperture into the lawn. The area of lawn fertilized dur...


It is also called Aeration. It is done by removing a block of soil and making holes in the soil or cutting channels in the soil. Equipment, which has hollow tines or spoons, arranged on a drum or disk is used. It removes blocks of soil 0.25 to 0.75 inches diameter and 2 to 4 inches deep when used on the lawn. Such machines can be rented from lawn/g...

Fabric shower curtains

The main purpose of the fabric shower curtain is to prevent water from going beyond the shower area, but that is not the only handy reason they are used for. One can have shower curtains in kid’s bathroom that match with the towels, mats and window curtains of the bathroom. Depending on how big the shower area is the size of the shower curtain also...

Advantages to Making Your Own YouTube Videos

Are you a fan of YouTube? If you enjoy watching free videos online, from a number of different genres, you may be a huge fan of YouTube. Although many internet users only watch videos on YouTube, there are many who also post their own YouTube videos. If you have never done so before, you may be wondering whether or not you really should. To determi...

Pros and Cons of Making Your Own YouTube Videos

Are you one of the millions of internet users who enjoy watching free videos on YouTube? If you are, the thought of creating your own YouTube video may have crossed your mind; has it? If so, you may be wondering whether or not you should make your own YouTube video and then upload it to the YouTube website. When making your decision, it is advised ...

Cons of Making Your Own YouTube Videos

Are you interested in making your own videos to upload to YouTube? While a large number of YouTube members do so, you may want to seriously examine your decision before actually making it. As nice as sharing YouTube videos with the rest of the YouTube community can be, there are some cons or disadvantages to doing so. Just a few of the most popular...

Dark Chocolate: The Miracle Ingredients of Belgian Chocolates

Everybody loves chocolates. But because it is usually sweet, some people are banned from eating such delicious treats due to some diseases. In this way, they totally give up eating chocolates. However, most people are unaware of the health benefits provided by eating chocolates.

The scientific name of chocolate is thebroma cacao. When litera...

Differences between Utility and Sport ATV�s

At first glance, it’s easy to tell Utility and Sport ATV’s apart, and many people will eliminate one class of these quads solely on appearance. However, other than size, there are some important differences between Utility and Sport quads that you might want to take into consideration if you are looking for a new ATV, or the next time you go riding...

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