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Water and Legionella Risk Management Plans

Modern life would be unthinkable without our swimming pools, air conditioning, air coolers, Jacuzzis and indoor water sports.

The Threat of Skin Cancer

Several parts of our body can be afflicted with the dreaded disease we have all known as cancer.

Women’s Heart Health

Heart disease is a deadly one, so it is best to stay away from this illness by taking care of your heart by taking heart healthy supplements.

Why Most of the Cancer Patients File Bankruptcy?

Bad health and constantly rising medical bills has always been a reason for people to go bankrupt, but naming one ailment which causes people to file the most bankruptcies was not heard before. However, recently a research has shown that the number of cancer patients filing for bankruptcy has increased in double folds.

Joe Barton diabetes - 37.7% of Diabetics are Coach Potatoes

Physical activity enhances your muscle cell’s ability to use insulin and blood sugar.

Natural Remedies for Eliminating Body Fungus

There are millions of microscopic organisms that exist in the whole world. Among the millions to billions that exist, fungi are one of them.

Effects of Heavy Metals and How Oral Chelation Can Help

Heavy Metals - Free radicals (tissue damaging molecules that cause aging and bodily deterioration) are the result of the ever-present toxins within...

Quit Smoking - Smoke your Final Cigarette

How many times have you said these words, “This is my final cigarette.”?

Significance of Hospitals in the World around Us

In a layman’s language, a hospital is a place where people are brought for treatment under the expertise of doctors with specialized modern equipments

How to Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most pervasive diseases of this Century. It is the ‘cult leader’ of a deadly pandemic.

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