
  Beirut Lebanon    December 23, 2015    4405


Kaprix is a company that has earned its reputation by supplying its customers with only the best blinds and roller blinds, to protect their home from nature's harsh elements. They also specialize in installation and supplying their clients with the most modern awnings, shade sails and sun shades. They cater to a wide range of businesses and homes in the aim of meeting the versatile needs of every customers. For those who own an outdoor restaurant, Kaprix offers stylish Umbrellas to suit the decor of your business, while keeping your customers shaded. You can find the most elegantly designed awnings for a flower shop or small business.

Go online and check out their wood and automatic pergolas perfect for a wedding reception. Also available are retractable and wind resistant awnings, armed awnings and sunscreens all with their own creative design. Kaprix is not just about blinds, they offer sun shades for folks who enjoy sitting out on their patio or under a shade in their yard. Some competitors have even copied some of brilliant designs manufactured by Kaprix. You can choose from a myriad of colors and desned made blinds to allow your guests to sit in comfort, whether at your home or business place.

Kaprix aims to manufacture the most high advanced quality products o ensure the satisfaction of their clientele. Kaprix boasts of having the most qualified and experienced technicians and engineers, tailors and architects, all collaborating to create only the finest awnings the suits to the Lebanese luxury.

People are constantly talking about the environment and ultra-violet rays due to the shiny weather in lebanon. Fortunately, Kaprix manufacters are designed to protect you and your furniture from UV rays. Kaprix blinds and awnings allow you to sit in a luxurious ambiance while still enjoying the outdoors.

 Article keywords:
Awnings, Blinds, Umbrellas, Shutters, Sun Screens, Sun Shades, Black Outs, Roll Ups, Pergolas


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