Different Methods Used to Distil Gin

  Georgie  Hawthorne     July 5, 2021    1762


Gin is a very popular beverage around the world, and only a true gin connoisseur knows what it is to taste a good drink that is of the highest quality and the experience you get from it. Over the recent past something new has taken over the world of gin, and that is Craft Gin. This new beverage which is slowly but surely taking over the world, is made by small independent distillers who have a real passion for their product and for the beverage in general. They use the highest quality ingredients and botanicals to create their truly handcrafted artisan product. These distillers are so passionate about their products that their main focus is on creating a high-quality drink for everyone to enjoy rather than on quantity and profits, hence only a very small quantity is produced each year using their innovative methods and techniques.

Gin has evolved a great deal over the centuries from being a medicinal concoction in the 13th century to something that gives immense pleasure. It is a very versatile drink that is a favourite among bartenders and drinkers alike, and is enjoyed in various different ways, from drinking it neat or on the rocks with ice, to the classic Gin & Tonic to cocktails.

There are many different and very innovative ways that these producers of Craft Gin use to distil their beverages, and each one is different to the other, contributing towards the uniqueness and the different flavours and aromas that they achieve. The different ingredients they use during the distilling process will also defer according to each distiller’s unique recipe.

In general, however, there are a few distilling methods that are used, with innovative twists given to each one by the different manufacturers. The general methods of distilling are:

  • Distilled or “One Shot” Method – This is a very traditional method of distilling and is a method favoured by Craft Gin manufacturers. This method involves distilling either fermented sugar water or a neutral spirit such as vodka, in combination with Juniper and other botanicals. The exact quantity of botanicals is added for the amount of liquid in the sill, where the essences are extracted by suspending them in a basket or other contraption, so that they get exposed to the steam. Before bottling, water is added to it in order to cut the spirit to the proper proof. It is a very hands-on method which requires more people working on it and more sills to produce even a small quantity of spirits. However, the copper sills used for this method ensure that unnecessary sulphur compounds and fatty acids are kept out of the distil, and the effort put into making the spirit is well worth it since this method produces a better flavoured and aromatic beverage.
  • Concentrate method – In this method a large quantity of botanicals is distilled with a small amount of liquid, creating a highly concentrated distillate. Neutral spirits and water are added to this after distillation. The advantage is that they do not require as much labour to carry out the process and can cut down on the number of sills used. The argument is that the concentrate can be stretched as far as the flavour of the botanicals exists in the spirit, gaining the advantage of economies of scale and low costs with greater output, however many Craft Gin distillers prefer the traditional One-Shot method due to the enhanced flavour and aroma of the distilled beverage.
  • Cold Compound Method – There is no dispute that this is the cheapest method for distilling spirits. In this method, artificial or natural botanicals or flavouring is added to a neutral spirit. The only condition is that Juniper should be present in it. Although this is a very low-cost method of distilling gin, it is not one that is used by those who want a high-quality product, such as Craft Gin distillers.

As you can see, although there are many ways of distilling Gin, craft spirits distillers use only traditional methods with perhaps a few innovative twists to it, in order to produce a beverage that is worthy of a true gin connoisseur and destined to be enjoyed by those with a passion and a love for the beverage. They do not compromise on the ingredients they use, ensuring that what you get in the best possible spirit they can manufacture. Three cheers to Craft Gin distillers!

 Article keywords:
Craft Gin


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