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How to Develop Effective Kitchen Management Skills

If you think that technology and management have entered only our industries and management institutes, you are wrong. These have entered our kitchen also in a big way to change life, especially for women. In fact, the modern kitchen has greatly helped in the empowerment of women.

The changeover from traditional firewood/kerosene to LPG,...

Lower Back Tattoos

On a woman’s body there are a few places that can be thought of as sensual.  Although this varies from culture to culture, many consider the most sensitive areas to be the nape of the neck and the infamous lower back.  With that being said, it’s really not hard to see why lower back tattoos have become so popular over the years.&n...


If there is normal, rainfall occurring then there will not be enough of moisture in the soil, which is very much necessary. The grass that is growing instead of going green goes brown on the contrary. To ensure you with high quality of lawn then proper watering is needed. If the footprints remain while you are walking around the lawn or a little ch...

Selection of grass species

Grasses are classified as cool-season and warm-season grasses. The former have active growth in fall and spring (particularly when soil temperature is between 50-65 degrees F and air temperature between 60-75 degrees F) and are dormant in summer. The latter can stand high temperature and drought circumstances. Good growth occurs when soil temperatu...

Dry lawn special care

People drink water when they are thirsty and it goes same with the plants as well. Too many variables can enter the picture like light, wind, rain, temperature, humidity and the type of plants installed. Keep the plants moist for two weeks, water everyday if it does not rain at least a half-inch. For the next two weeks water minimum three times per...


A collection of blades of grass cut many times, bits of leaves and branches, roots and rhizomes that are decaying on the lawn are called a Thatch. This cut grass is left on the lawn as it provides nutrients to the soil, reduces water evaporation and shields from ice damage. But if the decomposition is very slow the thatch becomes a large layer. Thi...

Pagoda Fountains � Japanese Origin

Flowing and cascading, sparkling in the light, creating soft soothing sounds: a tabletop fountain is like a touch of nature captured and brought inside. Although they are small, these popular fountains can have big, positive effects--easing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving one’s mental and physical health. Pagoda fountain is an outdoor f...

Pet Health Insurance for VIP's

When most people think a pet is spoiled feel that it is getting to many treats, has too many expensive toys scattered around the ground, or it’s allowed to sleep at night in bed with its humans, normally taking up the entire bed and hogging all the covers. I once even saw a pot bellied pig who was so spoiled that its humans designed an built the mi...

For some people, fishing is a pastime. For others among us, it is a serious sport

Often there is a nice spot to fish from the shore of a pond, lake, stream or river. Other times, you will need to consider what kind of transportation you will need to get over the water. The canoe is the oldest craft. It is the traditional vehicle of the American Indian and has great traditional value, but that does not mean it is the best kind of...

"Noodling": Cooking Pasta or Catching Catfish?

"Noodling" conjures up images of standing over a vat of boiling water, cooking some kind of Italian pasta to perfection. This may be one definition of the term, but in reference to one of the oddest fishing styles known, it refers to the art of fishing for catfish using only bare hands and a big stick for prodding purposes. That is correct; using o...

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