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How to Help your Child fight Obesity?

If you take a drive down the road in the evening, then you will notice a worrying trend emerging.

Dentists in india-a research

India is a hot destination to get that perfect smile at a friction of cost compared to many parts of the world. Dentistry is one of the most desirable

Diabetes Sugar Free Desserts and Candy

Having a sweet tooth accompanied by a medical condition that prevents you from eating sweets can be quite a maddening combination.

Tips That Can Surely Burn Your Fats

Let me ask you, who wants to be fat? For sure no one wants to.

How to Burn Fats and Lose Weight

Let me ask you, who wants to be fat?


Adding yoga to one’s lifestyle can reap many benefits. Watching television is a sedentary activity, and one can easily perform yoga while watching TV. For doing yoga, a person does not need to move away from his place. He can be in a room, do yoga, and watch TV at the same time. Moreover, one does not get bored while doing yoga when he does it with...


An apparatus, which can feel the body motion and can measure footsteps, is called a Pedometer. More recent pedometers can also calculate the distance traveled, speed, time, steps per minute, amount of calories burned and pulse rate of the body. Some also have characteristics like alarm, stopwatch and music of FM Radio. Some can have a memory of ...

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