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Hawaii Charter Fishing

Sometimes the hardest thing about going on vacation is the overdose of downtime. You want to find enough things to do to keep you busy, but not too much to where you feel overloaded. Chartering a fishing boat has its advantages, but on the island of Hawaii, it is a day trip that you do not want to miss. There are certain basics when chartering a bo...

Staying Ice Free when Ice Fishing

Everyone has heard the saying, “No ice is safe”. While true, this is not practical advice for many of us in Northern climates where playing or working on frozen water is part of our lives. Ice fishing, for one, allows many opportunities for disaster when the dangers of ice are neither appreciated nor prepared for properly.

Sometimes we tend ...

Fishing With GPS

In this day and age, you would be hard pressed to find a fishing boat without some sort of fish finding device. GPS devices have become the latest in technology and water safety when it comes to fishing. They are used as a means of navigation and a way to mark your spot so that you can find it again in the future.

A GPS is a Global Positioni...

The Only Way To Get Rich In The Music Industry

Unless you have spent the majority of your life living under a rock then you should be familiar with the saying, “If you want anything done right – you need to do it yourself!”

This may very well be one of the most valid sets of words ever spoken. Those words apply to the music industry like a hand in a glove.


Las Vegas Wedding Music - 12 Unique, Inexpensive Options

While rumors continue to fly that Las Vegas wedding music is expensive if live, the number one contracting company in Las Vegas continues to dispel those rumors daily.

The owner of Las Vegas Wedding Music said simply, “Las Vegas wedding couples have many unique inexpensive options available to them, whether it is throug...

Get Great Sixties Music Cheap

Imagine building up a collection of the great singers and groups of the Swingin Sixties, cheaply and economically savings

Wine Tastings for Singles

Dating, for those of us who are tired of being single, can be a royal pain. From speed dating to online dating, from the taverns to the grocery stores, we have several outlets where we can meet potential matches. But, unfortunately, these matches often extinguish before they can light even the slightest spark, leaving those of ...

Do You Need A Cell Phone

Many of you whom read the headline are probably saying of course I need a cell phone. For those of us who can remember when cell phones weren’t as popular as they are now, you should know what I’m talking about. Now don’t get me wrong I currently have two cell phones one for business and personal. I just think its getting out o...

How Prepaid Cell Phones Keep You Within Your Budget

Staying within a desired budget bracket on cell service can oftentimes be best completed by choosing a prepaid cell phone plan. Prepaid cell phone plans allow you to purchase minutes as you need them versus purchasing a particular amount and being required to pay for them whether they are used or not. For those customers who do...

Fishing with Live Bait

There are many myths that surround using live bait instead of artificial and most of them are not true. Live bait is still used by many anglers. The one factual part of live bait, which no one can dispute, it that is often messy, and it smells terrible. If you can surmount these two factors, you will be in good shape to try live bait on your next f...

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