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Wedding Favors

Giving a favor is a joyful gesture, expressive of your gratitude and happiness for your guests' presence on this special occasion. The best wedding favors are exercises in elegant simplicity, beautiful things that are not too taxing to plan, make, or fit into the budget. They are among the wedding's most appealing elements and one of the easiest...

Paying For Your Wedding

It doesn't quite seem fair: Planning the most romantic event of your life begins with the least romantic detail - establishing the budget. Before you sample a single hors d'oeuvre, figure out just how much you can spend. Traditionally, the bride's family should almost all of the financial responsibility, but today the groom's family and the coup...


An apparatus, which can feel the body motion and can measure footsteps, is called a Pedometer. More recent pedometers can also calculate the distance traveled, speed, time, steps per minute, amount of calories burned and pulse rate of the body. Some also have characteristics like alarm, stopwatch and music of FM Radio. Some can have a memory of ...


A good way to get an aerobic exercise is to use a rowing machine. And rowing while watching TV can be fun. Rowing moves one’s body through a wider range of motion than most other activities. It allows one to stretch his muscles and rotate his joints. Exercise rowing machines build muscular strength and endurance by working out muscles in arms, legs...


Astringents or toners are intended to enter pores, refreshing and cooling the skin while clearing away excess oil, impurities and dead skin cells that were not removed with cleanser. For attractive skin, first determine what type of skin one has and to properly wash and moisturize the faces accordingly. Another very important step to maintain is cl...

Body massaging oil

Body massage with oil is the most common type of massage. Body oil should be chosen according to the season and the personal charter. Sesame oil is the best for massaging. In the winter one can also use mustard oil, however it should not be used in summer. Those in the habit of steady inner use of mustard oil can massage with it in all seasons. Coc...

Face wash

Methods of face wash

The face should be washed minimum two times in a day. Washing the face too often causes sebaceous glands to create more oil, which results in an oily face. Before washing the face, take care to hold back any hair, which interferes in the face wash. A cleanser, which is compatible to the skin type, is chosen. The face is ...

Electric Toothbrush

The Electric Toothbrush makes use of electric power to oscillate the brush head. The electronic parts are absolutely sealed to avoid damage by water. Some of them require replaceable batteries, which may be rechargeable or disposable. This toothbrush is useful for those people who are not efficient at cleaning the teeth. Also, those who have arthri...


Foundation forms the base of the make up. Right way of make up is to apply it in away that it makes look more younger and beautiful. Foundation is used to enhance and mature the beauty one already has. Foundation is available in many shades but one should use a particular shade that is very close to skin tone and texture. Foundation covers the smal...

Your Hidden Food Allergy or Allergies are Making You Fat

Was there an instance when you ate something like an ice cream, cake, cheese, or a piece of fruit – and you felt even hungrier? Have you experienced any food urges wherein you can't satisfy such cravings except eating the same food?

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