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Eternal Summer: Four Variations on the Classic Piña Colada

Eternal Summer: Four Variations on the Classic Piña Colada

How Was the Pina Colada Born?

How Was the Pina Colada Born?

New takes on classic pancakes

Pancakes are an international breakfast classic that is served in many hotels and restaurants.

How are professional chefs coping with the changes brought about by Covid-19?

The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed almost everything, the way we work, study, play, and live our lives.

What is tip pooling?

For servers working in a restaurant, café or hotel, the tip that they get is considered an extra income which they expect and need to survive.

Things To Consider Before Becoming A Chef

Things To Consider Before Becoming A Chef

Ways You Can Support Small-Batch Craft Spirit Makers

Ways You Can Support Small-Batch Craft Spirit Makers

Preparing For Your Visit To Nikolaev, Ukraine

Are you thinking of visiting Nikolaev in Ukraine? Is this your first visit to this beautiful city in the Europe’s second largest country?

What Are the Busiest Periods in the Restaurant Business?

What Are the Busiest Periods in the Restaurant Business?

Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen

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