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Dating Advice: Love Shouldn't Hurt

"Because when pain has been intertwined with love and closeness, it's very difficult to believe that love and closeness can be experienced without pain." -Gloria Steinem, "Revolution from Within." If you tend to attract men who disappoint you (by cheating on you, not showing up when they say they will, or just refusing to get off the couch), you ma...

Developing Self Esteem During Childhood

The building of self-esteem starts in childhood. This means that as parents you have a responsibility to help your son or daughter to have a healthy self-image of him or herself. A healthy self-image is the cornerstone of good self-esteem.

How important is self-esteem in a child's development? Developing self-esteem during childhood is very ...

Builing Self Esteem

Self-esteem is defined as the way a person feels and thinks about him or herself. It is believed that self-esteem is developed during the childhood years. It is largely affected by how one has been treated by the people surrounding him or her particularly his or her parents.

Many individuals suffer from low-esteem. When someone has low self-...


Arthritis is among the leading cause of disability; there are about hundred types of arthritis. It is connected with the pain of joints. There is swelling, redness, stiffness and heat in joints. It is a chronic disease, which can cause pain and inflammation that cannot be avoided as body ages. It can be predicted through blood tests and x-ray. The ...

Scrapbooking Business Idea

Passion for scrapbooking can lead to business opportunity. If you have the flair business, you will convert your hobby into a money-earning asset.


Make studies on how you can harness prospective customers when you start your own system of putting up a scrapbooking store. Of course, you will waste money on a weak strategy a...

Great Information about Remote Control Gas Helicopters

You may already know that sometimes the best helicopters are the ones that you really put a lot of work into. For instance, the remote control gas helicopters, which require constant attention and care to their every detail—be it cleaning, preparing to fly, flying, and taking down and cleaning before storage—are often the type of helicopter that pe...

The Chocolatey World Of Belgian Seashell Chocolates

Believe it or not chocolates are good for your health. There have been studies that were conducted by major research institutes that people who constantly eat chocolates have a longer life span than those who don’t usually eat them. Chocolates are also filled with antioxidants that fights off cancer, cardiovascular diseases, thwarts off strokes, an...

Purchasing Belgian Chocolate in Bulk at a Very Cheap Price

If you are planning to put up a small business, you may consider starting a business that sells products that people will always want. So, what do people want? Of course, the food industry is the obvious choice. However, you should consider that putting up a restaurant can be quite a hassle. You have to have a kitchen, rent a large place to accommo...

Wedding Favors

Giving a favor is a joyful gesture, expressive of your gratitude and happiness for your guests' presence on this special occasion. The best wedding favors are exercises in elegant simplicity, beautiful things that are not too taxing to plan, make, or fit into the budget. They are among the wedding's most appealing elements and one of the easiest...

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