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Having a Hidden Allergy Can Contribute to Making You Ill

One out of two individuals suffers from hidden food allergies, and this includes around 70% of chronically ill people. If you're one of those unfortunate people, what will you do?

Food Allergy and Asthma

There have been a lot of studies about food allergy that involves patients having asthma. You can easily see the symptoms after a couple of hours after eating a certain kind of food. Asthma and eczema are associated with atopic patients with allergies in food.

Tips in doing freelancing jobs

Freelance work is an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. Perhaps this is due to the fact that what Americans are earning in their regular jobs are no longer sufficient in supporting their monthly expenses. With the rising costs of food, rentals and gas, this is not so surprising anymore.

The world goes freelance

The word “freelance” was first coined by Sir Walter Scott, a renowned Scottish historical novelist and poet, in 1819 when he wrote his novel Ivanhoe, to refer to a medieval mercenary warrior. The term has then shifted into more figurative meanings. In the 1860s, freelance became a figurative noun, and in 1903, it was officially recognized as a verb by etymologists like the Oxford English Dictionary.

How to become a freelance designer

The birth of the Internet has definitely changed the landscape of communications people enjoy today. Aside from providing a seemingly limitless source of information, the Internet has also opened up a lot of opportunities to people and businesses as well.

starting your career as a freelance illustrator or graphic designer

Freelancing is definitely one of the most sought after industries in the market today. More and more professionals and skilled people are getting into

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