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The Dollars and Cents of a Four-Year Degree

When it comes down to the importance of an education there is no denying that the longer you stay in school the better off you are when it comes to earning potential over the course of your lifetime. Recent estimates have presented some rather astonishing figures to support these claims however, and I for one think they are well worth mentioning.

Great Reasons to Complete your Degree

A university education is one of the best possible ways to insure your earning power upon graduation. There are all kinds of fields and all kinds of majors, some paying higher than others but as a rule, college graduates will earn more money over the course of their lifetimes than those who do not have a college education or degree.

We live ...

Financial Motivation for Two-Year Education

When it comes to college, you are considering an expensive proposition any way you look at it. There are however, ways in which you can greatly reduce your overall expenses when it comes to getting your college degree. The first method, which in many cases is the most preferred, is by attending a community college for the first two years of your co...

Community College Advantages

If you happen to be fortunate enough to live in a community that has a community college you should really make the time in your schedule to check and see what kind of classes they can offer that can help you advance your education and your career. You might be amazed at the different types of courses you can take even on the community college leve...

eBay Sellers: How Photo Sharing Sites Can Save You Money

Are you an eBay seller? If you are, you likely already know the importance of having pictures in your eBay listings. There are a many eBay buyers who will not buy an item on eBay if they haven’t seen a picture. In fact, many eBay buyers like to see more than one picture. The only problem with this is that posting a number of pictures on eBay can ge...

Preparing for the Taxidermist

Taxidermy, from the Greek for “arrangement of the skin”, is essentially the art of mounting and reproducing dead animals for display purposes. It is a controversial element of life that has long been popular, but with new philosophies springing forth out of new movements, taxidermy may be experiencing a significant decline. Some taxidermists actual...

The Only Way To Get Rich In The Music Industry

Unless you have spent the majority of your life living under a rock then you should be familiar with the saying, “If you want anything done right – you need to do it yourself!”

This may very well be one of the most valid sets of words ever spoken. Those words apply to the music industry like a hand in a glove.


How to Write Music and Where to Begin

Despite my somewhat underwhelming reputation in the music business, I have been asked on occasion usually by woefully uninformed novices

What Your Music Profile Should Say About You

Your online music profile is the bottom-line essential information on WHO you are as a band, singer, songwriter and/or musician. Your music profile, as to how it fits in the big picture online, is your biography or resume that presents you to the music industry, other musicians, and your potential fans. That makes it a very imp...

Washing Wine Glasses: From a Chore to an Art Form

No one is particularly fond of washing dishes, with many people reserving it for times when the tower of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink begins to

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