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Jewelry: The most prized possession of a woman

Jewelry makes women look more beautiful. Jewelry is very intimate. It touches a person with constancy, patience and endurance. It has the power to melt a tough heart. In fact jewelry is the most prized possession of women. When they wear it, they never like to take it off!

There are women who wear lot of jewelry but there are also women ...

Leaf Sweeper

A Rolling Leaf Sweeper gathers leaves on a lawn. It is manufactured of high strength steel covered with a rust resistant coating. The collection bag has a volume of 7 cubic feet. Some models of Leaf Sweeper and Garden Vacuum have a U shaped zip to empty its contents. A Deluxe Leaf Sweeper gathers leaves and lawn clippings. It has a 26” swath and an...

Lawn renovation

Lawn renovation describes corrective procedures to restore beauty to an old lawn without removing all of the grass. It can be as simple as over seeding a thin turf area or can include power raking and core ventilation if thatch is greater than 1/2 inch or the soil is compacted. A total renovation would occupy killing the undesirable grasses with a ...

Disposal of wastes

Leaves, grass, twigs, roots and other wastes from lawns sum up to approximately 18% of the annual municipal waste. For summer, grass makes up 50% of the municipal waste, while in fall leaves causes 60-80% of the total waste. This gigantic amount of wastes strains the municipal collection systems as it raises the expenses required for the extra equi...

The Ways that the Military is Using Alternative Energy

The US military knows that its branches must revamp their thinking about how to engage in “the theater of war” in the new, post-Cold War world of the 21st century. One thing that the military leaders stress is the desire for the forces deployed in the theater to be able to be more energy-independent. Currently the US military has policies and proce...

Face wash

Methods of face wash

The face should be washed minimum two times in a day. Washing the face too often causes sebaceous glands to create more oil, which results in an oily face. Before washing the face, take care to hold back any hair, which interferes in the face wash. A cleanser, which is compatible to the skin type, is chosen. The face is ...

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