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Why Do Men Cheat?

They have wandering eyes. They're obsessed with the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. They come home from one-too-many late nights at the "office" with lipstick on their collars. Whatever the degree, men do cheat. And they do it more than women do. In the original Kinsey Report, published more than 50 years ago, approximately 60 percent ...

Why good men cheat

Tony knew he and his girlfriend, Ruby, would tie the knot--someday. They'd been together on and off since college, spending a small fortune on airfare and long-distance calls whenever Ruby returned to her native Barbados. So when her visa expired and they faced another separation, he thought, Why not go all the way? Ruby's need for a green card ...

Sexual Mistakes - 8 Common Ones Guys Make

Here we are going to look at 8 common sexual mistakes guys make that will leave your partner feel unwanted and unsatisfied.

These mistakes are common so if you avoid them and follow our tip under each mistake you will improve your lovemaking technique

So here are your common sexual mistakes.

1. Emotional & Physical ...

The Top Debt Consolidation Companies

The Top Debt Consolidation Companies

There are a number of large debt consolidation firms operating in the United States. Some specifically cater to people in certain locales while others operate on a nationwide basis-and even have subsidiaries that work overseas.

AmeriDebt is one of these large companies. AmeriDebt is located in Mary...

Place a mirror

Combating with the kids at bath time is one of the less pleasant aspects of parenting. Here are few ideas to consider in remodeling the kid’s bathroom that will cut down on the wrangling and may even make a splash with the younger members of the household. When planning any bath re-model, first of all take into account how many people will be using...

Trusted Vision Fitness Elliptical Trainer Reviews

There are many vision fitness elliptical trainer reviews out there, but you want vision fitness elliptical trainer reviews that you can trust. Not only will we provide you with some of the most reliable and trusted vision fitness elliptical trainer reviews, but we will also go over the great features that come with the vision fitness elliptical tra...

Budget Buy Facts About The Eclipse 1100 HRA Elliptical Trainer

You may look at the Eclipse 1100HRA elliptical trainer and really wonder if the price tag could really be true. Yes the Eclipse 1100HRA elliptical trainer is truly under five-hundred dollars. That is not fictional or a gimmick. Now some people buy Eclipse 1100HRA elliptical trainer to really looking at the facts of the machine. Now the Eclipse 1100...

Why Some People Dislike ATV Riding in Nature Areas

There has always been great debate between motor sport activists who want to enjoy riding their machines in the outdoors and other nature lovers who claim that off-road motor vehicles harm the environment and ruin the area for anyone who wants to enjoy the outdoors in other ways. The argument can be made that motorcycle and ATV riders have as much ...

The Great Debate: Two Stroke vs. Four

The battle for supremacy between two stroke and four stroke quads is likely to rage on forever, except for outside factors that may end this age old debate; it is very likely that upcoming legislation could end production of two stroke engines, making it impossible to get a new two stroke quad. So if you’ve ever considered getting a two stroke quad...

Differences between Utility and Sport ATV�s

At first glance, it’s easy to tell Utility and Sport ATV’s apart, and many people will eliminate one class of these quads solely on appearance. However, other than size, there are some important differences between Utility and Sport quads that you might want to take into consideration if you are looking for a new ATV, or the next time you go riding...

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