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Go glamorous by wearing a little glitter on evening out. Shimmer, shine, dazzle with silver, gold or a frosted pastel. People who do performance on stage under those big bright lights need to shine with glitter. At any Performance, Competition, Exhibition, Recital, Pageant, Parade, Concert or the dance the girls wants to be able to out shine and ou...

Face wash

Methods of face wash

The face should be washed minimum two times in a day. Washing the face too often causes sebaceous glands to create more oil, which results in an oily face. Before washing the face, take care to hold back any hair, which interferes in the face wash. A cleanser, which is compatible to the skin type, is chosen. The face is ...

Hair Brush

Constituents of Hair Brush

Make up is an essential and favorite daily routine for women. Hair brushes are used for grooming the hair. Hair brushes may be flat or round. Most Hair Brushes consist of rings of pure boar bristles. Each of these bristles has a nylon strand. These bristles and strands are fixed in a pneumatic rubber cushion. The n...

Eyebrow liner

The Need of Eyebrow liner

Quite a few women observe that their eyebrow looses hair with age. This happens due to hormonal and/or chemical alterations. An Eyebrow liner is used to fill the meager eyebrows as well as provide a proper shape for the disorderly ones. It re-shapes and emphasizes the eyebrow into a natural look, which is retained u...

Face scrubs

Face scrubs is a formulation which contain small granules acting as a cleansing base for face and neck. Face scrubs are massaged on face and neck to remove, clear and exfoliate the layer of the skin cell which is dead. Face is exposed to the environment which has bad effect due to pollution and sun rays. Use of a nice scrub will be good enough to p...


Cleanser is a soothing creamy cleanser that gently cleans sensitive, mature and normal skin. It is also used to clean the make up without any irritation on the skin. Cleansing milk makes the skin comfortable by as it contains essential oils of sweet orange, chamomile and neroli. After a long hectic day a cleanser will help to clean skin. It is the ...


Go glamorous by wearing a little glitter on evening out. Shimmer, shine, dazzle with silver, gold or a frosted pastel. People who do performance on stage under those big bright lights need to shine with glitter. At any Performance, Competition, Exhibition, Recital, Pageant, Parade, Concert or the dance the girls wants to be able to out shine and out sparkle the competition

Allergy-free Dog Food, Is it the Best Solution?

Your pet dog is a unique companion that requires your love and attention. When your dog is suffering from any ailment or condition, you're also suffering. Sometimes, it's difficult to find out what causes such ailments, and many vets claim that it has something to do with food allergies. Around 10% of dog allergies are due to food.

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis in an Irritating Nutshell

A person will never know if they are allergic to a certain type of food unless they have eaten the food allergen itself. It takes a certain amount of food for the reaction to take place and trigger a symptom.

Cure For Food Allergy with Psychological Origin

Food allergy is one of the easiest conditions to cure when talking about psychological methods. However, it is recommended to use other methods that are widely available. It is because one treatment may be effective for one person but not to others. From the point of view of some psychologists, food allergy has something to do with emotional experi...

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