10 Hot Web Design Trends To Follow In 2021

  Rakesh Sharma    July 8, 2021    416


Technology changes very rapidly and the website design trends are no exception for this. Website features and design elements that were once innovative and modern may have become tired, overdone and outdated in recent years. There is a high chance of losing conversion if your website looks outdated or ignores web standards. There are nearly 1.75 billion websites on the internet. But only 400 million of them are active. These sites belong to businesses, individuals, organizations and so on. The success of a website depends on several factors like- design, user interface, technical performance, security, technologies, search engine optimization, content etc. These factors belong to the two categories- web development design, user interface and user experience design. What impacts a site’s success in 2021?

Here we’ll see some hot web design trends that will skyrocket in 2021. We hope this list makes you approach the web in a more inclusive and accessible way.

10 Hot Web Design Trends For 2021-

A strong and attractive web design is important for a successful business. The vast majority will forsake your site if it has a poor UI and user experience. A website’s design influences trust in a business and users desire to interact with it. Let’s see web design trends that will skyrocket in 2021.

1. Bold Typography-

Use of bold fonts on websites is a trend that will stay in 2021 too. Simple fonts are easy to read, clear and visually appealing. Heavy fonts allow businesses to quickly show information. You can combine simple fonts with a simple background and you’ll get a perfect and minimalist great image for your website. 

2. Horizontal Scrolling-

Many websites dabble with various scrolling techniques for a unique user experience.  Vertical scrolling is a typical scrolling experience. Horizontal scrolling is a UX design trend that catches users’ attention while remaining simple and functional. Designers employing horizontal scroll should consider the following points-

  • Use clear visual cues to indicate where content uses horizontal scroll and don’t hide these cues behind hovers
  • Do not force users to navigate through horizontal content- allow alternate way to navigate, like arrow buttons with clear labels.
  • Be insightful about what content would benefit by being shown in a  horizontal scroll — a photo gallery is a good competitor as horizontal scroll would show users a small preview, and allow them the alternative to see more or keep moving down the page
  • Avoid the need of horizontal scroll for text that needs to be read

3. 3D In Motion-

Large and hyper-realistic 3D object that move subtly on website is a big trend in web design. It is good for selling physical products because you can show them in detail and make them real to look. Motion design is a latest technology used in web designing as businesses try to grab attention with videos. In 2021, motion design will appear more on websites themselves.

4. Frosted Glass Effects-

Latest advances in web technology have allowed the simple implementation of frosted glass effects on websites. Blurr view of elements behind the frosted glass overlay helps to add color to an area and also allows text or objects to appear over the image and remain readable. The impact has become a well known option in a designer’s tool belt and progressively been used as a background instead of gradients.

5. Voice Activated Interface-

Way of accessing information is changing- rather than typing into Google, we now ask a question or make a demand. This implies web design is adjusting to keep up with the prevalence of voice chatbots and virtual assistants. A voice activated interface is not commonplace for most websites, this trend will skyrocket in the foreseeable future. 

6. Scrollytelling-

We’ve seen a growing trend in designers telling stories through web experiences. Here comes scrollytelling- visual storytelling that heightens story and hooks you into its narrative. 

The best applications of scrollytelling practice restrain:

  • Keep motion within small area
  • Provide interactions on user’s terms: provide obvious playback controls to play/ pause/ stop interactions and motions
  • Ensure that any scrollytelling elements help to emphasize the story, instead of distracting from important text.

7. White Space-

White space is the term for spacing that we give between elements. It does not have to be white, as long as the area is empty. So it is also known as “negative space”.  The use of white space is about giving content space to move around, making an effort not to pack the most data conceivable on the screen. The is more unwinding experience for your website visitors, the content stands out better, and readability is improved. This minimalist approach was first introduced by Apple, that uses lots of white space in their designs. In 2021, using white space will remain trendy. 

8. Gradients-

Gradients have now become more popular among creatives when searching for new website design inspiration. It is a long time trend that has evolved from subtle color overlays to eye-catching backgrounds. Gradients can be used to add depth, serve as a striking background, or subtly to add texture to an illustration. We progressively see it utilized in bigger and bolder typography.

9. Video Header-

Videos are the engaging type of media on the web. Social media uses video to keep users scrolling, and you can do the same. Many websites have started the use of video as their header background. This header video should have meaning and impact your visitors with the right mood. Ensure to show your product or service as well as to evoke emotion. For this, you’ll need a high quality video that looks great on various resolutions and will not slow down your website.

10. Full-Screen Homepage Header Image-

Hero image is the first thing your visitors will see when entering your website, and they determine whether a user will scroll through or leave the site. Full screen homepage hero images take up the full screen and make your design bold and spacious. Also remember that most of the users will not scroll down if you don’t help them, so it will be a good idea to give users a hint at the bottom of large hero image which will encourage them to scroll down.

 Article keywords:
web design, web development, software


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